Langley Wood Visitors Centre
Typology: Competition
Location: Langley Wood
“Welcome, orientate and inspire”
The concept has been developed to respond to landscape, views and create a positive, creative visitor experience. The building sits sensitively within the existing landscape. The plan geometry relates to the wider landscape and develops a relationship with the proposed memorial. The entrance is positioned on the axis with the memorial and is legible from the carpark. The entrance route leads visitors through the existing trees along a series of markers to display the names in the Centenary Project and create a dramatic arrival experience. The communication space has been designed to reference the tree landscape in form and fenestration pattern and is orientated towards the wider landscape and will provide a visual reference point. The support accommodation is arranged to be accessible from the main entrance space. External landscape seating areas along with the entrance sequence are defined by a series of canopies which reference natural landscape in form.
The design provides a positive visitor experience around the key interpretation themes.